Vaasi foundation is working with the health ministry of India and various hospitals, research institutes, and private organizations across the globe to scientifically prove the benefits of Vaasi through modern science.
The key research focus areas for the Vaasi foundation are:
Diabetics: Through Vaasi Meditation, The Endocrine glands like Pancreas, Penial, Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Thymes and etc., receive universal energy and by which the glands produce a lot of enzymes through which the sugar level from urine and blood reduces.
Asthma: Vaasi Meditation eliminates the inflammations stored in the bronchioles and cures Asthma in the short term practice and it eradicates sinus, eosinophilia because the practice gives universal energy to the body.
Rheumatic Pain: There are ten kinds of Vayu(Air) that are functioning in the human system. If they are not functioning properly, the body gets Rheumatic and other pains. Through the Vaasi technique, the body gets enormous energy from the atmosphere and which enters the blood and reaches the joints and cure rheumatic pain and other disorders.
Blood Pressure, Stresses, and Strains: Vaasi Meditation gives deep rest and relaxation to the mind and body than deep sleep and other techniques by which the blood pressure reduces. The deep rest eliminates the deep-rooted stresses and strains and makes the mind calm and peaceful.
Nervous disorder and impotency: The human nervous system gets a lot of universal energy through Vaasi. The nervous system becomes very strong and balances the psychomotor system. The excretory system like the kidney and big intestine eliminates the unnecessary wastes perfectly. It purifies the blood and increases the count of semen, eliminates psychosomatic diseases.
Increases creativity, Improves long-term and short-term recall capacity: Vaasi gives enormous energy to the left and right hemisphere of the brain cells and eliminates carbon dioxide, and purifies the blood perfectly through which the short term, long term recall capacity, and creativity increases.
AIDS: The regular practice of Vaasi provides enormous pranic energy to the white blood corpuscles by which the number of white blood corpuscles increases and gets energy. The AIDS patients will lead the normal life for a longer run without medicine like other people.